We all have to deal with data and information on a daily basis in our everyday lives. These issues will become even more important in future. But how easy or how difficult is it for us to deal with information and data and why is that? How do these skills develop? – Finding out the response to this question is the aim of the DaLi study for which we will be surveying 11,000 people throughout Germany. We would also like to cordially invite you to participate in the DaLi study.
Please let us know suitable times for the interview and a phone number. The password for online feedback can be found on the feedback form that we sent you by post.
The DaLi study focuses on the digital and data skills of the population throughout Germany: How easy or difficult is it for us to deal with information and data? Why is that? How do these skills develop? Finding out the response to this question is the aim of the DaLi study. In addition, it deals with topics such as attitudes towards digital and data issues or school/professional opportunities for dealing with data.
We will interview
All persons whom we ask to participate have been randomly selected and informed about the study by post by infas.
The survey will take place as a personal interview in your home. The participants in the DaLi study will work for about an hour on varied and everyday-life tasks on a laptop that we will bring with us. We will also ask a few questions, e.g. about the use of digital media.
It is only with your help that we will be able to get a meaningful picture of the data and digital skills of people in Germany. After the interview, you will receive €50 by post as a thank you gift.
The DaLi study is a scientific study jointly conducted by the Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe (LIfBi) in Bamberg and the infas Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft GmbH (infas) in Bonn.
After the end of the survey, the collected data will be stored anonymously. The responses will be separated from your name as well as your address and phone number. We guarantee that all your information will be evaluated without your name and address and will be used solely for scientific purposes. Further information on data protection can be found here.
We will be happy to respond to your questions personally! For this purpose, please use our free phone number 0800 6647436 or our e-mail address .
Please let us know suitable times for the interview and a phone number. The password for online feedback can be found on the feedback form that we sent you by post.
Cover letter
Data protection
Study flyer
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infas Institut für angewandte
Sozialwissenschaft GmbH
Postfach 240101
53154 Bonn
Tel. 0800 6647436
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