Regional structures

Since its foundation, infas has been conducting regional research and helping local actors to identify new challenges and developments at an early stage onthe basis of empirical surveys, in order to derive measures for the future on this basis. The challenges for cities and municipalities are diversifying and becoming more complex. Climate change and corona pandemic as global phenomena interweave with structural change, the design of sustainable mobility systems, housing market requirements at regional or municipal level. Interactions and interdependencies are harder to assess and project into the future. infas has 60 years of experience in researching complex challenges and developing and designing solutions. To this end, data from various sources is drawn on, evaluated and condensed into differentiated findings. In doing so, infas works closely with its corporate sister infas 360 GmbH, which has access to a comprehensive stock of market and geodata. For infas studies in regional research, cross-cutting analyses combining these diverse data sets are carried out as needed. This procedure enables precise microgeographic evaluations and regional location and mobility analyses. Regularly, infas regional research conducts:
  • Empirical projects on urban and regional development,
  • Analyses for regions, cities and municipalities on the topics of structural change, home office, (mobility) infrastructure,
  • Target group analyses and segmentations for real estate and neighborhood projects,
  • Potential and acceptance tests based on empirical studies for new living concepts and new home technology (smart home),
  • further projects on the housing market, including the preparation of qualified and reliable rent indices.

Application of Small Area Statistics

In addition, infas regional research regularly employs modeling using the Small Area Statistics method. This is also done in cooperation with the company’s sister company infas 360. Current examples of this represent estimates of the home office situation and the distribution of Corona vaccinations.

Local public transport plays an important role in achieving climate targets and ensuring future mobility in metropolitan areas and rural regions alike. At the same time, public transport is in strong competition with private transport and new mobility services.

Regional Research News

Regional research projects

Publications on regional research