Startseite > About infas
The infas Institute for Applied Social Science in Bonn is a private and independent social research institute that conducts research for and advises companies, science and politics. The range of services includes national and international customized studies, for example in labor market, education or transport research. infas conducts numerous panel studies and evaluations for large scientific research projects. infas supports private companies with international innovation research and reliable market analyses.
In its studies, infas uses all survey methods in a scientifically sound manner with its own resources. Founded in 1959, the institute currently employs more than 150 scientists from various disciplines and is among the top 10 largest empirical research organizations in Germany. infas is the largest commercial research institute with a social science focus.
Interview minutes in 2024
Current projects
Interviewers 2024
Interviews in 2024
Panel Studies
Shipments in 2024
The infas Institute for Applied Social Science is a subsidiary of infas Holding AG and a sister company of infas 360, infas quo and infas LT.
infas is located in Bonn, Germany, at a central site equipped with state-of-the-art technology that unites all processes under one roof. With numerous conference and training rooms and video conferencing systems, the new building in Kurt Schumacher-Strasse also offers customers an ideal environment for smooth collaboration.
infas is a subsidiary of infas Holding AG.
Certified according to ISO 20252 for market, opinion and social research.
infas is a member of the Arbeitskreis Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforschungsinstitute e.V. (ADM) and ESOMAR.
© infas Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft GmbH