New panel study “Health in Germany” launched

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On behalf of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), infas has been surveying around 200,000 people aged 16 and over across Germany about their health since the beginning of 2024.
The study, called “Health in Germany (GID)”, is a central component of health monitoring: the RKI uses the data it collects for health reporting on the resident population in Germany.
The database will also be available as a basis for health policy decisions.
The survey is the start of a whole series of studies.
The first part, the “Welcome Survey”, is currently taking place.
It is mainly being conducted online, but paper questionnaires are also being used.
After answering the questionnaire, the 200,000 randomly selected people will then have the opportunity to register for further RKI studies.
These follow-up surveys take place several times a year.
In the course of the survey, the questionnaires are supplemented by medical examinations.
“Health in Germany” covers a broad spectrum of health-related issues.
The topics covered include “Physical health”, “Mental health”, “Social environment, living conditions”, “Health behavior, health risks” and “Health care”.
All information on the panel study is available on the study website.