The Innovation Survey is a business survey and representative of industry groups, size classes as well as West and East Germany. Representativeness is ensured by a stratified random sample with disproportionate drawing probabilities, a sufficient volume of the net sample, conducting a large non-respondents’ survey, and full coverage of the largest businesses.
The surveys in the years 2017, 2019 and 2021 are being conducted as panel survey and will be conceptually connected directly to the Innovation Surveys from 1993 to 2016 (Mannheim Innovation Panel MIP), which were carried out in cooperation by ZEW, infas and ISI. The panel character of the survey in particular remains in place over the entire period, which significantly extends the analyses’ potential of the collected data.
In 2017, 2019, ans 2021 the survey is the German contribution to the European Commission’s Community Innovation Surveys (CIS).