Aims of the panel study
How does social inequality arise? And how do genes and environmental factors interact? To answer these and other questions, the interdisciplinary TwinLife study will survey more than 4,000 pairs of twins living in Germany and their families over several years on various aspects of life. In the process, both monozygotic and dizygotic twins as well as their parents and siblings are observed over several years in order to investigate not only social mechanisms but also genetic differences between individuals and individual development as a function of various influencing factors. In terms of content, six topics are covered: Education and educational success, career and success in the labor market, integration and participation in social, cultural and political life, quality of life and perceived opportunities for action, physical and psychological health, and behavioral problems and deviant behavior. Data collected in this way can shed light on issues related to the emergence of social differences in many aspects of life. They are used in many different scientific publications and made available to the scientific community.
Tasks of infas
Annual survey of 4,000 pairs of twins and their families, alternating between home visits (CAPI, CASI, PAPI) and telephone interviews (CATI). In addition to the twins themselves, the parents (as well as step-parents) and any existing sibling of the twins are also interviewed, as are their partners in the case of older twins. A total of about 18,000 persons are interviewed annually.
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