Goals of the study
The IAB Household Panel deals with the quality of life and social security of households (including pensions from private and occupational pension schemes) in Germany against the background of the far-reaching reforms of the social security systems in recent years. infas is responsible for the implementation of the panel waves, the securing and maintenance of the panel stock, the entire data preparation, creation of the SUF files, longitudinal and cross-sectional weighting, creation of the data report.
The survey will be conducted as a method end-mix computer-assisted telephone (CATI) and face-to-face (CAPI). Method changes at household and person level are implemented in the current field. The population includes all private households in Germany. The survey is implemented via two subsamples: 1. ALG-II-receiving households in need from the IAB stock (BA sample) and 2. a general population sample. In order to observe developments and changes over time, the survey was designed as an annual repeat survey and dynamic panel. In addition, the panel is replenished in each wave by new refresher sample(s). One household interview is targeted in each household and one personal interview is targeted with each person over 15 years of age in the household. Interviews are conducted in German, Russian, and Arabic. The panel was launched in 2006. From the 4th survey wave, starting in 2009, the interviews were taken over by infas. Annually, a good 16,000 people are interviewed in about 10,000 households. Econometric methods used: Complex GREG weighting (different selection frames, multi-method approach, household constellations with split households). infas has been commissioned with the panel until 2025.
Tasks of infas
The Institute for Employment Research (IAB ) has been conducting nationwide surveys on the subject of “Quality of life and social security” on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs for over ten years. The infas Institute for Applied Social Sciences was commissioned to carry out the on-site surveys. The empirical study aims to take a closer look at our welfare state, the world of work and living conditions in Germany.
The survey has been conducted annually since 2006 and, with over 42,000 participants, is now one of the most important and largest scientific studies in Germany. The focus is on the question of how people’s living conditions in Germany change over time.
For the “Quality of Life and Social Security” study, around 10,000 households throughout Germany will be interviewed both by telephone and on site (face-to-face) between February and September 2019. All selected households will receive further information on the study in a cover letter sent in advance.
Further information can also be found on the IAB website.