The integrated DJI survey AID:A – on the one hand – captures social change for childhood, youth and family by means of replicative representative surveys. On the other hand, AID:A as a panel study is to examine development processes in the life course, such as successful or less successful transitions on the path to adulthood and family expansion. In the first wave of AID:A (2009), a target person concept was realised, in which persons aged 0 to 55 years were identified by means of registry offices’ files. For underage children and adolescents, one respondent each – usually the mother – was interviewed. From the age of 9, the target persons provided additional information themselves. This included information for children (aged 0-12), adolescents/young adults (aged 13-32) and adults (aged 33-55) in separate samples (with partially overlapping age ranges). Several additional surveys have been prepared on this basis survey over the past 5 years.
In the second AID:A main survey 2013-2015 data were collected on individuals aged 0 to under 33 years. On the one hand, the sample consists of follow-up interviews (panel cases) who already took part in an interview in (at least) one survey of the research project; on the other hand, the sample is refreshed by first-time respondents. In the context of the AID:A study, based on the sample design chosen, the second survey in 2013/2014 provides data that can be analysed in cross-section and also allow a time series comparison between the two survey periods, and, finally, also allow for panel analyses for part of the sample. The opportunity associated with panel design to analyse developments and, where appropriate, to map causalities shall be used in the planned evaluations.
Panel respondents will be interviewed in 2018 by means of standardised telephone interviews (CATI).