The KlimaTicket Austria has been available since September 2021. For three euros a day, it allows you to use all public transportation, including long-distance trains, for one year. For those who are not traveling throughout Austria, there are the regional KlimaTickets of the larger transport associations, e.g. for the province of Salzburg, Upper Austria, Styria or the eastern region with Lower Austria, Vienna and Burgenland. The regional KlimaTickets are available for as little as one euro per day. This also allows the use of all public transport, including long-distance trains, in a region. Thanks to the favorable price and the elimination of complicated fare structures, the KlimaTicket is experiencing great demand. So far, around 175,000 ClimateTickets have been sold (as of September 2022). infas is conducting the accompanying research on the ClimateTicket with its partners Triconsult – Wirtschaftsanalytische Forschung GmbH and Motiontag GmbH. The results will be used for revenue sharing and the calculation of compensation payments for the service-providing companies and will also be used to monitor demand effects. The project runs until the end of 2024 and can optionally be continued until 2026. At the heart of the project is a demand survey in which the use of the KlimaTicket is determined by train number. A complex survey design is used to determine the number of journeys made with the KlimaTicket on the basis of actual timetables and via measurements using an app, as well as via written, telephone and online surveys, and extrapolated to the transport service provided.