The panel study “Teachers in Adult Education – A Panel Study” (TAEPS) is intended to examine the employment conditions and qualifications of teaching staff in the overall field of adult and continuing education as well as the possibilities for the targeted promotion of professional skills. It is the largest study of its kind to date. The infas Institute was commissioned by the TAEPS project team at the German Institute for Adult Education – Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning e.V. and theLeibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi) to conduct the survey of further education institutions and companies as well as teaching staff.
As part of the study, 6,000 teachers from around 1,000 continuing education institutions and companies active in continuing education are to be recruited and repeatedly surveyed in three waves (2022, 2024 and 2026).
In order to gain access to the teachers, the first step is to survey further training institutions and companies that offer in-house further training. At the end of the interview, the institutions and companies are asked to inform their teaching staff about the TAEPS study and to forward recruitment materials, which the teaching staff can use to register for the study. Since the teachers are already recruited in the first survey wave and the same sample is to be used in the subsequent survey waves, no new recruitment is planned for the further survey waves in 2024 and 2026. A pilot study was conducted prior to the main survey.